What actually is a planning appeal and kerb planning appeal?

Ansh Seo
3 min readJan 16, 2020


The necessity of Planning Appeal Expert exists only if the planning permission of an applicant is refused. This means that if your planning proposal is rejected the local planning authority, you have the right to appeal against the refusal. Usually, an examiner, who is functioning as the Secretary of your state, will decide your appeal.

Planning Appeals are of diverse types according to their nature. These appeals include:

· Enforcement appeal

· Householder appeal

· Listed conservation or building area appeal

· Lawful development certificate appeal

· Listed conservation or building area enforcement appeal

· Advertisement appeal

Usually, the time limit for submitting a Planning Appeal Success Rate may differ according to the nature of the application. However, if you want to appeal against the refusal of your commercial development permission, you are required to submit your appeal application within six months of the date of the receipt of the rejected notice.

Although a Planning Appeal Specialists varies according to the nature of the permission application, usually the two parties, such as the local planning authority and the applicant, are required to provide information to substantiate their cases. The examiner will inform the parties about the timetable for supplying this information. The examiner will usually visit the place, and may conduct a hearing. Some planning appeals, particularly those involving larger developments, will be held through a public inquiry.

Generally, you do not need to pay a fee for making the Planning Appeal Consultant, but for an enforcement appeal, you may need to pay the applicable fee. However, you and the inspector are required to meet the required expenses, where any one of you have behaved unfairly and have caused the needless expense. An application for expenses can be made and the inspector or the Secretary of State may make an award of expenses. Awards of costs should be evenhanded and they may be rewarded both on appeal application and at the proposal of the inspector.

The delay to a project related to making a Planning Enforcement may have important implications. The time for getting the decision on the appeal application may take several months. Usually, planning appeals may need additional services from the counselor team not covered by their preliminary appointment.

You can make a Dropped Kerb planning appeals when your application on seeking permission for driving over the footway to access your property is refused. This type of appeal is known as the dropped kerb appeal and your application will be referred to as a motor vehicle crossover application.

Here are useful pointers that may help you greatly in avoiding making your kerb planning appeal.

It is better and safe to verify with your Local Planning Authority whether you require planning permission for the projected pavement and dropped kerb. If permission is required, you have to submit the detailed sketch of your project.

Look for sanction from the Highways Department of your local council for the dropped kerb.

According to law, it is unlawful to drive over a pavement where the kerb has been raised. This is for the reason that it involves the risk of damaging the pipes, which are buried under the pavement.




Keywords TagPlanning Appeal Expert, Planning Appeal Success Rate, Planning Appeal Specialists, Planning Appeal Consultant, Cost Enforcement Notice Appeal, Planning Appeals No Win No Fee, No Win No Fee Planning Appeals, Planning Enforcement, Kerb Planning Appeals, Dropped Kerb Planning Appeals, Planning Appeals Dropped Kerb



Ansh Seo
Ansh Seo

Written by Ansh Seo

Ansh is highly experienced writer who writes content on multiple topics to improve the ranking and traffic for site on SERPS.

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