You have the right to submit a planning objection letter which will be considered by your local planning department. In most cases a neighbour or anyone who feels they may be affected by the application can write a planning objection letter.
Most planning decisions are decided by the planning officers of their local planning department. Although roughly 10% of decisions are made by a planning committee. Anyone can attend committee meetings, and if you wish you may be able to organise a 3-minute slot to give your opinion. Please give notice and arrange by email if you wish to speak.
Most committee meetings are very strict regarding individual statements, you may be stopped if you go over your 3-minute slot. Please use your time Wisely, practising at home is worthwhile.
Please remember only material reasons for objecting will be considered. Any comments that are personal, loss of property value, and lose of view will not be considered.
You have 21 days to object or support the application from the date on the site notice, although councils normally except objections letters up until the date of the decision.
When Does A Planning Decision Go To A Committee?
If an application is controversial or if you lobby a local councilor, he may call in the application?
The planning department will make their recommendations which are than considered by the committee. The committee will only decide based on planning policy. The Decision may be a refusal, it may be granted, sometimes referred to a later date.
It is common to have a decision granted with certain conditions.
How many objection letters are needed before a planning application is decided by committee?
The number of objection letters needed will vary from one local planning authority to another, often 6–10 objection letters are needed. In most cases a planning officer in the local authority with delegated powers will make the decision.
Can I Appeal A Planning Decision Made By Committee Or Planning Officer?
You cannot appeal a decision (known as third party right to appeal) if permission is granted.
However, if you feel that the permission was granted unlawfully, and procedure was not followed, as a third party you can challenge the decision in court. Please seek professional legal advice before taking this option. This route cab ne very costly.
If you would like help on how to object to a planning application, please call on 0800 4561060 or 07436802755
Keywords Tag: Planning Permission Objections Neighbours, How To Stop Planning Permission, How To Stop A Planning Application, How To Write An Objection To A Planning Application, Objection To Planning Application, Object Planning Application, Objections To Planning Permission, How To Object To A Planning Application, Planning Objection Letter, Planning Permission Objection Letter