How We Can Help You
We are here to offer you help and support throughout the planning objection process. Our free advice is always available, and we are here to give you all the information you need to get started, or even just answer some of your pressing questions. All you need to do is give us a call so that we can get started.
How to help get a planning proposal refused
Your Objections should be laid out clearly so that the planning authority can see what your complaints are. Remember to use evidence to back each point up, ensuring that you carefully reference areas of the plan that conflict with local or national regulations.
Common reasons for objections
· Visual amenity
· Parking problems
· Highway issues
· Increase of traffic
· Loss of light
· Disturbance and noise resulting from use/during building
· Overlooking possible loss of privacy
You will also want to ensure that you make a clear differentiation between the adopted plan and the emerging plan. This is because the former of the two is the one that will be regarded the most seriously, even if the emerging plan is beneficial at an advanced stage. We will also be able to help you through this part so that you use all the correct
It’s Not Personal
You should keep your personal opinions out of the objection letter. They are unlikely to be regarded by the local planning authority, and they come across as you having a disagreement with your neighbour as opposed to a legitimate reason against the proposed planning. Instead, keep your objection entirely professional and reference every point you disagree with carefully.
Rally the Neighbours
Get the locals together and talk about the issues with the proposed planning and have them write in with their objections. Ensure that they do so in an organized manner and also refrain from making it personal. While it’s not a voting contest, having multiple objections has a much bigger impact on the end decision than just one or two.
You will find that this is particularly useful as a tactic with local planning committees. This is because they are usually close to the local community and therefore more sympathetic to their concerns. This has the chance to give you more leverage if the objections are seen to interfere with the appearance of the local area or the quality of life of its residents.
Do keep in mind that these decisions can have a huge impact on the people who are looking to get planning permission. Therefore, you should always act on it bearing in mind both the impact on the community as well as those seeking planning.
Your planning objection should be be received before the deadline, late objections letters may still be considered before decision date.
How to Stop Planning Permission For professional objection letters call our planning team 0800 456 1060 or 07436802755
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